Many people send a question to ask us whether British national oversea can be free for 15 days in Vietnam Visa or not.
We have sent this question to the consulate of Vietnam in Hong Kong, and they gave us the answer that a British National (Overseas) passport HAVE TO APPLY for a visa to visit Vietnam.
Below is the original answer of the consulate of Vietnam in Hong Kong to the question: Do British National Oversea (BNO) passport holders need a Visa to visit Vietnam?
– 護照有效期至少超過擬議入境日期的6個月/The passport remains valid for at least 6 months beyond the proposed date of entry.
– 第二次報名至少在第一次進入後30天開始/The second entry only starts at least 30 days after the first entry.
– 英國國民(海外)護照必須申請簽證/British National (Overseas) passport have to apply visa.
目前,英國公民可以使兩種辦法獲得越南簽證。 在香港的英國公民可以按照下面的指示拿到越南簽證。
Currently, there are 2 options to obtain a visa for visiting Vietnam UK citizens. UK citizens in Hong Kong can follow the below instructions to get a visa for visiting Vietnam.
1.到越南領事館辦理簽證 – Apply for a visa at the consulate of Vietnam.
2.在網上申請落地簽證 – Apply visa on arrival (VOA)
落地簽證(VOA)是越南入境事務處向有意進入該國的外國人簽發的幾種簽證之一。/ Visa on arrival (VOA) is one of several visas issued by the Vietnamese Immigration Department to foreigners who wish to enter Vietnam.
這個過程更加快捷、簡單、且不需要交上任何證件。您只需在線上填寫簽證申請表格、支付服務費(價格由$6美元起)、付款成功後哦們會給您發email讓您在檢查自己的信息,於1-2個工作天內會收到確認電郵Approval Letter(批准函)與通知您需要準備的資料
This process is faster, easier, and does not require any documentation. You only need to fill in the visa application form online and pay the service fee. After the payment is successful, we will send you an email to confirm your information. You will receive the approval letter via email.
When you arrive at international airports in Vietnam, you will go directly to the “Vietnam Landing Visa Office” before entering the passport check and stamp. At this place, you will show your passport, 2 photos, form of entry and exit, and stamp fee to Vietnam Immigration staff. And they will issue you the true Visa sticker on your passport. After that, come to the Passport check and get the stamp.